Posted on October 8, 2017 by AgentM

Persisting Haskell ADTs The Relational Way

Typical DBMSes suffer from a data type impedance mismatch with Haskell data types. Using such DBMSes in Haskell is especially painful because Haskell has a very powerful typing system which the database promptly discards or “downsamples” due to lack of real type support.

Project:M36 is a DBMS which offers support for algebraic data types (ADTs) as first-class database-side values and support for record types to be marshaled from-and-to database tuples without any loss of type enforcement. Furthermore, database-side ADTs can be manipulated with database-side stored functions written in Haskell. Types can further be preserved with constraints which can also be written in Haskell.

Let’s take a closer look at the common blog post schema example for an example of how these features all fit together.


Let’s start out by defining our model.

data Blog = Blog {
  title :: T.Text,
  entry :: T.Text,
  stamp :: UTCTime,
  category :: Category --note that this type is an algebraic data type
          deriving (Generic, Show) --derive Generic so that Tupleable can use default instances

instance Tupleable Blog

data Comment = Comment {
  blogTitle :: T.Text,
  commentTime :: UTCTime,
  contents :: T.Text
  } deriving (Generic, Show)

instance Tupleable Comment             

data Category = Food | Cats | Photos | Other T.Text
  deriving (Atomable, Eq, Show, NFData, Binary, Generic)

Note that the only database-specific requirements are that the record-based models are instances of Tupleable, a type which can be derived from Generic types to marshal the Haskell values to-and-from database values. No database-specific type decorations (such as specifying SQL types) is needed. The database types are Haskell types with no type-level enforcement lost. Each record becomes a tuple in the database with the Haskell attributes directly mapped to tuple attributes.

The blog’s Category is an ADT which can be represented as a database value or Atom. Because the Category derives Generic, we can also derive Atomable. Category values are stored as ADTs in the database- no trickery is involved.

Note that an SQL enumeration would not be able to emulate an ADT directly as a database value. In Project:M36, the ADT is also represented in the database as a value of the same type. The type impedance mismatch is resolved and no database-specific changes to the model are necessary.

Next, let’s create our database and add some data.

main :: IO ()                       
main = do
  --connect to the database
  let connInfo = InProcessConnectionInfo NoPersistence emptyNotificationCallback []
  conn <- handleIOError $ connectProjectM36 connInfo

  sessionId <- handleIOError $ createSessionAtHead conn "master"


createSchema :: SessionId -> Connection -> IO ()  
createSchema sessionId conn = do
  _ <- handleIOErrors $ mapM (executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn) [
    toAddTypeExpr (Proxy :: Proxy Category),
    toDefineExpr (Proxy :: Proxy Blog) "blog",
    toDefineExpr (Proxy :: Proxy Comment) "comment",
    databaseContextExprForForeignKey "blog_comment" ("comment", ["blogTitle"]) ("blog", ["title"]),
    databaseContextExprForUniqueKey "blog" ["title"]
  pure ()

Here we create an in-memory database (just for testing purposes) and use the Tupleable function toDefineExpr and Atomable function toAddTypeExpr to create expressions which we will execute against our database. A foreign key constraint between blogs and comments ensures that each blog can have zero or more comments. Finally, we add a uniqueness constraint on the blogs’ titles.

Naturally, if we wanted to store the database on disk or connect to a Project:M36 database server, we could configure that here.

Controllers and Views

We will use scotty, a lightweight web framework to present a user interface to display a list of blog posts and individual blog posts along with their blog-specific comments.

scotty 3000 $ do
  S.get "/" (listBlogs sessionId conn)
  S.get "/blog/:blogid" (showBlogEntry sessionId conn) "/comment" (addComment sessionId conn)

Next, we set up our action handlers.

listBlogs :: SessionId -> Connection -> ActionM ()
listBlogs sessionId conn = do
  eRel <- liftIO $ executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (RelationVariable "blog" ())
  case eRel of
    Left err -> render500 (toHtml (show err))
    Right blogRel -> do
      blogs <- liftIO (toList blogRel) >>= mapM (handleWebError . fromTuple) :: ActionM [Blog]
      let sortedBlogs = sortBy (\b1 b2 -> stamp b1 `compare` stamp b2) blogs
      html . renderHtml $ do
        h1 "Blog Posts"
        forM_ sortedBlogs $ \blog -> a ! href (toValue $ "/blog/" <> title blog) $ h2 (toHtml (title blog))

First, we list all blog entries by querying the database for the relation variable “blog”. Then, we convert from database tuples to our Blog values using Tupleable’s fromTuple function. Then, we sort them by date and insert them into our blaze-html template.

showBlogEntry :: SessionId -> Connection -> ActionM ()
showBlogEntry sessionId conn = do
  blogid <- param "blogid"
  --query the database to return the blog entry with a relation-valued attribute of the associated comments
  let blogRestrictionExpr = AttributeEqualityPredicate "title" (NakedAtomExpr (TextAtom blogid))
      extendExpr = AttributeExtendTupleExpr "comments" (RelationAtomExpr commentsRestriction)
      commentsRestriction = Restrict
                           (AttributeEqualityPredicate "blogTitle" (AttributeAtomExpr "title"))
                           (RelationVariable "comment" ())
  eRel <- liftIO $ executeRelationalExpr sessionId conn (Extend extendExpr
                                                          (RelationVariable "blog" ())))

Here, we create a query that might look a little unusual by SQL standards. This is because SQL does not support relation-valued attributes whereas Project:M36 does. In this case, alongside collecting the blog information, we collect all the comments alongside the blog tuple as a nested relation containing a set of all comments for this blog post. With SQL, we would need one query per model or duplicate data with a join whereas we can consolidate our queries into one with Project:M36.

let render = html . renderHtml
    formatStamp = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S"))
case eRel of
  Left err -> render500 (toHtml (show err))
  --handle successful query execution
  Right rel -> case singletonTuple rel of
    Nothing -> do --no results for this blog id
      render (h1 "No such blog post")
      status status404
    Just blogTuple -> case fromTuple blogTuple of --just one blog post found- it's a match!
      Left err -> render500 (toHtml (show err))
      Right blog -> do
        --extract comments for the blog
        commentsAtom <- handleWebError (atomForAttributeName "comments" blogTuple)
        commentsRel <- handleWebError (relationForAtom commentsAtom)
        comments <- liftIO (toList commentsRel) >>= mapM (handleWebError . fromTuple) :: ActionM [Comment]
        let commentsSorted = sortBy (\c1 c2 -> commentTime c1 `compare` commentTime c2) comments
        render $ do

After retrieving all the data we need for the page in one query, we extract the singleton blog post, if available, and then extract the comments from the relation-valued attribute as well as sort them by timestamp. Finally, we render the blog info, comments, and a comment form where users can add new comments (elided for brevity).

Our final action adds a comment submitted from the previously-rendered form.

addComment :: SessionId -> Connection -> ActionM ()            
addComment sessionId conn = do
  blogid <- param "blogid"
  commentText <- param "contents"
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime

  case toInsertExpr [Comment {blogTitle = blogid,
                              commentTime = now,
                              contents = commentText }] "comment" of
    Left err -> handleWebError (Left err)
    Right insertExpr -> do      
      eRet <- liftIO (withTransaction sessionId conn (executeDatabaseContextExpr sessionId conn insertExpr) (commit sessionId conn))
      case eRet of
        Left err -> handleWebError (Left err)
        Right _ ->
          redirect (TL.fromStrict ("/blog/" <> blogid))

We use Tupleable’s toInsertExpr to create a new Comment and insert it into the database. The withTransaction line commits our new comment to the database, if no other errors are raised (such as a constraint or type violation). Finally, we redirect to the blog post page where the user will see his comment added.


Project:M36 offers some unique features for Haskell developers which makes persistence and querying a snap including:

If you would like to learn more about Project:M36, please check out our Hackage docs or our documentation.

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